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Toolkit OverviewToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Toolkit LoginToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Personal ProfileToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Website Editor (frameless)Toolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Website Editor (framed)Toolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
My AccountToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
PreferencesToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Website StatisticsToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Hits TrackingToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
ResourcesToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Product Training VideosToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Client Relationship ManagementToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
MLS SearchesToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Listings by EmailToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Open HomesToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Virtual ToursToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Comparable Market AnalysisToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Inventory ManagerToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Transaction Progress ReportToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Home Care CenterToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Office SolutionToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Website SitemapToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Website Lead Capture ToolsToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW
Product PackagesToolkit 6.0 OVERVIEW

          MLS Searches (MLS Access Tools)

Toll Free: (800) 743-5820 ;
Local: (408) 243-5820;
Fax: (408) 243-5825

Property Minder

What can I do with MLS Searches?

With MLS searches, you can:

  1. Create a search for your client using different filters, criteria and frequency.

  2. Receive email notifications and wireless (mobile) alerts.

  3. Edit the "New listing found" notification letter for your clients.

  4. Include CMA in your search (subject for MLS system support).

  5. Notify your clients about listing price changes.

  6. Track/analyze your clients search activity.

  7. Manage the amount of information to be shown to your client about listings found (hide/show address, map, description, virtual tour, etc.)

  8. Manage unlimited number of current active MLS searches.

  9. Deactivate (archive) the search.

  10. View/re-assign/delete Ignored Searches and assign the auto clean-up of ignored searches.

How can I set up a new search?

To set-up a new search:

  1. Login to your Toolkit and go to MLS Searches.

  2. Click New Search.

  3. Select "Class" and property "Status".

  4. For active searches indicate if you would like to get comparables (subject to the MLS system support).

  5. Select the area for your search (up to 20 areas are permitted).

  6. Test the search by clicking Search MLS at the bottom of the page.

  7. You can delete unwanted listings from the "Properties found" list by checking the delete box.

  8. If you are satisfied, click Save Search .

  9. Select a client from the existing Contact list, or click Create new client to add a new entry to your CRM.

  10. Continue to the next page and name your search.

  11. Select how frequently you want to run this search. We recommend that you choose a high frequency when setting-up searches for "A" buyers and low frequency for less committed buyers.

  12. Choose if you want the system to send you an email notification and place a copy of the results into your client's personal area.

  13. Hide/show address, hide/show map, hide/show Virtual Tour link, hide/show listing description.

  14. Customize the notification message.

  15. Click Activate Search .

How can I verify the email address of a client who has requested a search on my website?

With the AUTO ACTIVATE SEARCH feature is ON, your system will automatically verify and register your prospects using a 3-way confirmation code algorithm.

Your client has to enter the code received in the email provided to them in the search request. If they have entered an incorrect email address they would not have received the code and thus will not be able to view the search results. Thus the system is programmed to verify the client's email address.

How can I update the settings for the auto activate search?

  1. Login to your Toolkit.

  2. Go to MLS Searches page.

  3. Click the link MLS Searches Settings

  4. Make your changes and click Submit.

How can I exclude listing types from public MLS searches on website?

You may choose to hide certain property types from being searched on your website. For example, you may hide residential properties for rent if you only want the public to search for residential sales on your site. You can block your website users from creating MLS searches for certain property classes.

To do this:
  1. Login to your Toolkit.

  2. Go to MLS Searches page.

  3. Click on the link MLS Searches Settings

  4. Scroll down to MLS settings area. All listing classes are checked by default. Uncheck the property type(s) that you wish to exclude and click Submit.

Note: Even if you block some of the listing types for public searches, they will still be available for you within the Toolkit.

How can I see my clients' favorite listings?

When your client views his saved search results, he may save some of the listings as his favorites.

To see your clients' favorites:

  1. Login to your Toolkit and go to MLS Searches.

  2. Click the Favorite Listings link.

How can I automatically monitor and clean up my ignored searches?

Ignored Searches Detected
To enable you to focus your efforts on clients who are actively viewing searches and avoid clogging your system with ignored or abandoned searches, the system automatically detects searches that are consistently displaying no activity. If there has been no activity on a search for over 6 weeks, it is suspected to be an ignored search.

NOTE: The PropertyMinder system monitors searches that are scheduled to notify your clients about new listings on an "ongoing" and "daily" basis and which have generated a significant number of "new property found" notifications.

Notifying your client and you about ignored searches
The system proactively sends 2 email messages to clients with ignored searches, encouraging them to make use of the search results. At the same time, you as an agent will also receive a message notifying you about the ignored searches and their pending deletion.

Despite the two messages to your clients, if there is no activity on the searches for over 6 weeks and 7 days, the ignored searches are moved to the "Ignored Searches" folder where they are kept for 30 after which they are removed, unless you reactivate them before that.

How can I "turn off" the auto clean up of ignored searches?

  1. On the left panel of the Toolkit, click Preferences.

  2. Scroll down to "Ignored Search Preferences" and check or uncheck the auto clean up of Ignored Searches.

  3. To get more information on how this works, click the link next to "Understanding Ignored Searches".

How can I prevent searches from being categorized as ignored searches?

Edit the MLS search notification criteria to change the new listing updates to go out "weekly" or "monthly" instead of "ongoing". Searches that are scheduled with weekly or monthly notifications will not be included in ignored searches.

What is Mobile Alert?

With PropertyMinder Mobile Alert, you can get notified on your cell phone or mobile device when a new lead makes a request on your website.

Mobile Alert allows you to get instant updates about appointment requests from your clients, price change notifications or new listings found.

To configure your phone service with your PropertyMinder website:

  1. Provide your mobile device email address in the box corresponding to the type of alert you choose to receive.

  2. Contact your wireless service provider, if you do not know the email address at which you can receive messages on your mobile device.

  3. After you type your email in the fields based on the type of notifications you want to be alerted about, mark the "Mobile Format" check box if you want to receive the message in a concise text format (the text format is recommended).

  4. All notifications will be sent to these additional emails in short "Mobile format". It will not affect the notifications sent to your primary email account.

  5. Click Submit to save changes.

How can I track my client's search activity?

PropertyMinder's comprehensive client tracking tools monitor your client's activities, send alerts and offer detailed reports on demand for a particular listing. The Client Tracking tool is used to find the most recent increases in your client activities and spot the most active clients. Agents can use the Client Analyzer to further scrutinize the client's data to determine their motivational level.

This tool helps agents track client search activity, know who visits your website and determine which listings your buyers look at and when.

  1. Login to your Toolkit and go to MLS Searches.

  2. Click the Client Tracking button.

  3. You can choose the "Time Period" for which you want to view the activity

  4. To analyze the activity of the client over a period of time, click the Graph Client button to the right side of the client's email address.

How can I analyze my clients search activity?

The Client Analyzer further extends PropertyMinder's powerful Client Tracking capability.

Using some proprietary algorithms, the Client Analyzer can interpret and display selected client activities over a specified period of time in an easy to read graphical format. You can measure each client's motivational level and analyze viewed listings and showing appointment request reports.

For instance the following graph represents a client's activity over an 8-week period.

Once the upward trend is detected, a closer look is recommended. Finally, a more detailed view can reveal your clients interest in specific properties and indicate their motivational level.

To analyze the activity of the client over a period of time:

  1. Login to your Toolkit and go to MLS Searches.

  2. Click the Client Tracking button.

  3. Click the Client Analyzer link.

  4. Select a contact.

  5. Click GO.

  6. Review the client analyzer report information.

  7. Scroll down to view the summary tables for "Appointment Statistics", "Properties Viewed".

How can I customize the message that the system emails to my customers?

You can customize the email message sent to your clients while setting up a new search, or you can edit an already active search.

  1. Login to your Toolkit and go to MLS Searches.

  2. Select Active Searches.

  3. Select the search and click Edit Search Criteria.

  4. Scroll down until you see "E-Mail Message Text For your Client"

  5. Review the default message found in the entry field areas.

  6. Change text in the top and bottom entry fields if desired.

  7. Check the Memorize for future use box if you want this message to become the default message.

  8. Click Save Search.

NOTE: We recommend that you include text in your message inviting people to revisit your site for other services like community information, buyer and seller reports, home contractor services, home evaluation etc.

How should I use search scheduling?

You should select ongoing search notifications when working with active buyers and sellers. You may want to send past sales information to sellers to educate them about the value of their home.

Use monthly or weekly schedules as your follow-up strategy when setting up a search with existing and past clients. This tool can also be used to work with prospects that are not actively looking for homes.

How can I edit the search?

  1. Login to your Toolkit and go to MLS Searches.

  2. Select Active Searches .

  3. Select the search and click Edit Search Criteria .

  4. Edit the search.

  5. Test the search by clicking Search MLS to view the search results.

  6. You can delete unwanted listings from the "Properties found" list by checking the delete box.

  7. If you are satisfied, click Save Search.

How can I receive daily client activity reports?

You can schedule a daily client activity report from your toolkit for the current day, current week and the last two weeks. Use these reports to analyze the trends and frequency in buyer activity and properties viewed. Spot buyers who are ready to be contacted.

If you do not wish to receive this report:

  1. Go to MLS Searches on your Toolkit

  2. Click the MLS Searches button and then click Daily Notifications

  3. Uncheck "Yes, I would like to receive Daily Client's Activity email" and submit the change.

What does "deactivate search" mean?

When the search is deactivated, the search criteria and search results are saved in the system. The system does not run automated searches until the search is reactivated.

To deactivate the search:
  1. Login to your Toolkit and select MLS Searches.

  2. Select Active Searches to see a list of all current searches.

  3. Find the Search record that you would like to deactivate. Under the action section, you will see the option to Deactivate Search. You will have the option to Reactivate the search at a later date if necessary.

  4. To completely delete the search, select the Trash Can icon and you will completely delete the search.

What can I do with the Buyer Match tool?

PropertyMinder's BUYER MATCH technology allows you to instantly find potential buyers within the PropertyMinder Agent Alliance, and announce your listing.

You can use the BUYER MATCH tool to contact agents who have buyers searching for homes similar to your listing, or to estimate how many buyers are searching for homes in a given location and price range.

You can find potential buyer prospects for your listing within:

• PropertyMinder Agent Alliance members <buyer search>

• Your buyers with active searches

You can also use the buyer match tool to:

• Expand your agent network through the PropertyMinder Agent Alliance.

• Instantly show a potential seller how many buyers you can advertise their listing to.

• Persuade the seller to make improvements to the property by showing them the effect of adding a new feature on the price and marketability of the listing.

• Determine the appropriate market price of the listing for a quick sale.

• Give your buyers a larger choice of listings.

What is the Property Minder Agent Alliance?

As a PropertyMinder Agent Alliance member, you can extend your search for potential buyers beyond your office or geographic location, to all PropertyMinder Agent Alliance members. Instantly find potential buyers within the PropertyMinder Agent Alliance and announce your listing. Notify your buyers of hot new listings, sometimes even before they are listed.

How do I setup Buyer Match or Reverse Search?

The Buyer Match will allow you to send information about your listing to other agents in your area (who are also using PropertyMinder) to see if they have clients on their sites who are running searches that might match your listing(s).

To setup a Buyer Match message:
  1. Login to your Toolkit and select MLS Searches.

  2. Select the Buyer Match option.

    The Buyer Match feature can only be used for one property at a time. It cannot be used to send multiple properties at one time.

  3. Enter the Area of the property, Price, Bedrooms and Bathrooms and click Search.

  4. You will see a list of all the Buyers found and a list of members of the PropertyMinder Alliance Agents. If you do not want to send your Buyer Match email to certain Realtors, you can uncheck their name and they will not receive the notification.

  5. Enter a Subject for your Buyer Match email and update the body of the message to include any relevant information about the property.

    Preview your message before you send it to make sure that everything is correct.

  6. When done, select Send Message to send your listing information to the other agents.

Will my clients contact information be provided to other agents?

The name or contact information of your buyers is NEVER disclosed to other agents. If you opt out of the PropertyMinder Agent Alliance, you will only be able to search buyers from within your active searches.

How can I find potential buyers for a new listing?

  1. Login to your Toolkit and go to MLS Searches.

  2. Click the Buyer Match button at the top of the page.

  3. Enter the listing criteria to find buyers searching with similar criteria.

  4. Select Property Minder Agent Alliance to search for agents who may have buyers searching for homes with similar criteria.

  5. Select My buyers only to search buyers from within your active searches.

  6. From the list, check the agents whom you want to contact and announce the listing to.

  7. Use the email message template to word your listing announcement.

  8. Click Send Message to email the message to all the selected agents.

What are custom IDX searches?

Some Realtors like to add a button or link to their websites that contains listings of a particular property type. Good examples include foreclosures or bank owned properties. Agents are able to automatically show a pre-populated page on their website that contains this information. Such pages may be created with the help of a custom IDX search.

How do I create custom IDX searches?

You can create customized IDX searches for specific types of properties. These searches are usually posted on your website as buttons or links.

  1. Login to your Toolkit and go to MLS Searches.

  2. Click New Search.

  3. Select the property type.

  4. Fill out the form according to your criteria.

  5. Click Search MLS.

  6. Click on Create Custom IDX link on top.

  7. Click Create on the verification page.

  8. Once the link is created, you will not be able to modify the search criteria for your Custom IDX. Click PREVIEW to review your Custom IDX search. Click CANCEL to modify your search criteria.

  9. If you click on PREVIEW, the search results will open in a new window. Be sure to disable your pop-up blocker.

  10. You will then receive an email with the link to post on your website.

  11. To add the link, you would need to go to Website Editor, then Buttons.

  12. Click Add new link button and insert custom IDX link into the popped up window

  13. Click Ok.

  14. After the link appears in your list of buttons, click Enable to activate the page on your website.

Can I edit the results of custom IDX searches?

No, you cannot. When you create a custom IDX search, you only set up parameters for a queue to MLS database. When you populate this IDX link on your PropertyMinder website, the page is generated every time a user clicks on this page based on parameters you have entered.

Where and how do I use custom IDX searches?

You can post custom IDX link on your PropertyMinder website, use it as a hyperlink on any custom page or advertisement. Please note that PropertyMinder provides you with two custom IDX links which are used for different purposes. The first link (the short version) will ONLY work on your PropertyMinder website. The second link (the long version) may be used on any other pages or websites.

To put your custom IDX link on your PropertyMinder website:

  1. After receiving the notification email with the custom idx links, login to your Toolkit.

  2. Click Website Editor and then Buttons.

  3. Click Add New Link.

  4. Copy IDX link from email (shorter link) and insert in the appropriate field of the popped up window.

  5. Name the page and click Save.

To put your custom IDX link on custom page:
  1. After receiving the notification email with the custom idx links, login to your Toolkit.

  2. Click Website Editor and then Buttons

  3. Click Create custom page.

  4. Type in the title and text of your page.

  5. Highlight the text that you want to hyperlink and click the Insert/Edit link icon.

  6. Copy the IDX link from the email (longer link) and insert it in the pop up window.

  7. Click on Target tab and chose how you would like the link to open (in the same window or new).

  8. Click Ok and save your page. Do not forget to enable your custom page.

My custom IDX link is not working.

PropertyMinder provides you with two custom IDX links which are used for different purposes. The first link (the short version) will ONLY work on your PropertyMinder website. It will not work if you click on it. The second link (the long version) may be used on any other pages or websites. If you need assistance, please call Customer Support at 800-743-5820.

How can I change Email Notification settings for MLS Searches.

To change existing and setup new default settings for email notifications:
  1. Go to MLS Searches on the Toolkit.

  2. On the first page, (On-Line Search Requests) click on MLS Search Settings link.

  3. Uncheck Send Me an Email Notification option under New Listings Found Notifications Settings and also uncheck Send Me an Email Notification option under Price Change Notification Settings

    Important: Make sure to also check Bulk Update Existing Searches before clicking Submit. Doing so will update all your existing searches with new settings.
After that all your new searches will be activated with notification settings OFF. Changing these settings does not affect your client's searches in any way.


Toll Free: (800) 743-5820 ;
Local: (408) 243-5820;
Fax: (408) 243-5825
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